• Call us: +44.(0)2037696644
  • Email us: info@mc-51.com
  • Open Hours: 09:00 to 17:00


Eliminate rust - MC-51

Rust remover GEL

No drip on angled surface

MC-51 Gel is formulated with ease of use in mind. It is easily applied by hand or brush. It is designed to stick on vertical surfaces or even on ceilings without dripping. It will remove rust fast without manual effort. No need to prepare the surface before using or any tooling.

MC-51 Gel is easy to apply


1st step

1st step

2nd step

2nd step

3rd step

3rd step

4th step

4th step

  • 1st step
  • 2nd step
  • 3rd step
  • 4th step
  • 1st step

    Apply MC-51 Gel directly on rusted part, no prior treatment is required. 

    *We made test on a heavily rusted fire hose valve handle. For demonstration purpose we treat only one half of the handle in order to have an easy comparison before and after the application.



  • 2nd step

    MC-51Gel starts working.  Bare metal is becoming visible.


    *We made test on a heavily rusted fire hose valve handle. For demonstration purpose we treat only one half of the handle in order to have an easy comparison before and after the application.

  • 3rd step

    MC-51 Gel continues to absorb the rust.


    *We made test on a heavily rusted fire hose valve handle. For demonstration purpose we treat only one half of the handle in order to have an easy comparison before and after the application.

  • 4th step

    Rust is completely removed.

    You can clearly notice:

    • MC-51 gel removed rust to bare metal
    • There is a noticeable amount of pitting on the cleaned surface showing the extension of rust.
    • MC-51 gel didn't harm the spots of the red paint.

    The treated half was cleaned using a wet rag and stayed free from rust for 4 months. Application of the gel was with bare hand.

    *We made test on a heavily rusted fire hose valve handle. For demonstration purpose we treat only one half of the handle in order to have an easy comparison before and after the application.



  • 1st step
  • 2nd step
  • 3rd step
  • 4th step


Reduce your rust removal costs:

Whether you are an industrial, professional or private user, MC-51 Gel covers your every day or challenging rust removal needs. It can replace all mechanical or chemical rust removal means you were previously using.

  • No tools or machinery is required.
  • No tubs or tanks.
  • Labor free.
  • Reduced treatment time.
  • No danger waste disposal costs.

Mc-51 Gel is Safe and ECO friendly:

No special protection is required during the use of MC-51 Gel. MC-51 Gel meets EU requirements for the Detergents Directive on Biodegradability EC648/2004.

  • Safe on skin.
  • Non-toxic, No bases, VOC's free.
  • Biodegradable.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Water soluble.
  • Will not leave residues.

Rusted Stone chips or scratches?

No Problem...


Remover rust from stone chips, MC-51

MC-51 Gel is safe for most paints. It will remove rust to bare metal fast without the need of any tooling. After use rinse with water and apply paint. It is as simple as that. Whether applying to your vehicle, a machine, or a tool, the MC-51 Gel will do the work for you.


MC-51 Gel is suitable for professional or home use. MC-51 Gel is available in 500ml jars for easy storage and to fit your needs. For our industrial customers, we offer bigger sizes (up to 210L Drum) or special packing upon request.  

3 Jars of Rust Remover Gel-MC-51


MC-51 before and after gallery

Rusted Lathe handle cleaning
Rusted hinge cleaning
Rusted scratch cleaning

Our Clients Say

  • We adopted MC-51 in our production line. It is fast and easy to use and very efficient. The most important is that is safe and environmentally friendly, this made they every day use and handling easy without changing anything in our procedure manuals. Mc-51 fast remover and rust remover wipes are our preferred rust removal products.

    Mike Baker Chief Engineer
  • All the machinery we sell come with a maintenance contract. Our customers use their machining centers extensively, this increase the required maintenance. MC-51 is the ideal product for the weekly and periodic maintenance. We use it to clean both the machines and the tooling. We especially like the wet wipes because they are so easy to use and to dispose of.

    Andrea De Luka After Sales Support Manager Italy
  • If you do not test it your self, you cannot believe it. It is very fast, and it is safe. We use it almost every day. I can’t wait to test Cooling system flush.

    John Halford Mechanic
  • MC-51 help us clean rust fast and easy. We clean rusted parts, and the chassis we reduced the sandblasting by 70%. A useful application is the cleaning of rusted holes or threads of the chassis. It is very simple spray, and after 2-3 minutes we are ready to go.

    Len Garthwaite DAF trucks maintenance
  • We tested MC-51 products, and we plan to use them during onsite maintenance operations. During our test, we noticed the easiness of usage and the impressive speed. I admit when I saw the test video did not believe that it was true. After the demonstration in our factory, we are impressed.

    Romano Moretti Structural integrity Engineer


Q A What is the best way to apply MC-51 Gel?

MC-51 Gel designed with for ease of application.  MC-51 Gel can be easily applied to vertical surfaces, by brush or by hand. When the temperature is very high, there is a possibility that the gel will dry out. To avoid this, you can cover the application area with plastic wrap (stretch film, food film, plastic bag).


Q A Is MC-51 Gel safe to use?

All of the MC-51 products are safe to use, and they are fully compliant with the European Union requirements for the Detergents Directive on Biodegradability EC648/2004.  The products contain no solvents, no VOC’s, and no hazardous or toxic ingredients.  The products are biodegradable and environmentally friendly.  As with any chemical product, people with skin sensitivities should use gloves and goggles during use.

Q A What is the active life of MC-51 Gel?

MC-51 Gel has a minimum shelf life of 5 years. 

Q A Is MC-51 Gel safe to transport?

MC-51 Gel is completely safe to transport by ground, ocean, or air freight.  MC-51 Gel is non-hazardous and non-toxic, and can be shipped by postal delivery, courier delivery, or carrier freight (Shipping Class 55).


Q A Does MC-51 Gel work under heavy rusting conditions?

MC-51 Gel is an excellent product for removing heavy rusting.  For items too big to soak, the Gel is a very good alternative for removing heavy rust at the job site.  Heavy rust is defined as rust that is 0.5 mm or deeper. 

Q A After using MC-51 Gel, is any further treatment required?

No further treatment is required once the rust has been removed with MC-51 Gel. Based on test results, MC-51 Gel keeps rust from re-forming on the metal for up to 3 months.  This is much longer than other rust removers.  Bare metal will always have a tendency to rust, so a rust inhibitive product should be used to keep the rust from forming.

Q A What is the ideal temperature for MC-51 Gel to work most efficiently?

MC-51 Gel works well above 10° C (50° F).  The higher the temperature (20-35° C) (68-90° F), the faster it will work.


Q A Is there any harm to the metal after treatment with MC-51 Gel?

There will be no harm to the metal with the Gel.


Q A How do I dispose of the spent solution?

The product can be disposed of in the local sewer system in neat form.  When MC-51 is spent, only the chelated iron content of the solution will dictate the method of disposal.  In most cases, it can be put directly into the local sewer system.  Check with your local Municipality for any specific disposal requirements. 

Q A If the steel has a coating, will the coating be damaged by using MC-51 Gel?

MC-51 Gel will not damage any polymers, plastics, or coatings, and can even be used on painted surfaces without damaging most paints.  MC-51 Gel only attacks the rust.  Two exceptions are cadmium (used in some plating materials) and zinc coatings, which can be removed with prolonged exposure to MC-51 Gel.

Q A Will MC-51 Gel remove bluing and other oxide finishes?

MC-51 Gel will remove these oxides very quickly.


We change the way you deal with rust.

The MC-51 product line is a result of extensive research. Our 15 years of experience in the field of rust removal in combination with our industrial production experience, led us to create an entirely new line of rust removal products that covers the gap between the actual user's needs and the other products on the market.


Business Hours

Monday - Friday
9:00 am to 17:00 pm


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